
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The last blog - summimg up.

I found Web2 much better this time. It seemed easier but that could just be because I had a vague idea this time of what I was doing.
Being shorter made the whole exercise much less daunting from the outset.
The complete star of the piece was undoubtably the wonderful Zamzar. So useful!
Social networking is not really me but at least now I do know what is going on which is useful for customer service.
All in all, this time round was a much more positive experience for me.
One thing I really have enjoyed is finding my Lolcat pictures for the blog start and my inspirational quotes for the end. So sad that they are doomed to flower almost unseen.
I have done the survey so all that remains now is ---
The final inspirational quote -
'Sometimes I lie awake at night, and I ask, "Where have I gone wrong?" Then a voice says to me, "This is going to take more than one night!". (Charlie Brown)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Week Six - Face booking

Facebook. What can I say. A vital social tool or the biggest time waster invented? Opinions differ although I would love to know how many person hours per day are spent Facebooking, farmvilling etc. World wide, I would think upwards of a googel.
On a personal level I must say I am not a facebook user so the whole thing was new to me. I had real problems getting the site to work when I created the account on the but when the intial set up was done from a private computer there were no problems. (Did anyone else report this happening?)
Would I recommend this site to our customers? Don't have to, that's mostly what they come in for.

Final inspirational thought -
'Some people are like slinkies - not really good for anything but they bring a smile to your face when pushed down the stairs'
(This applies to the low-life who just stole a computer mouse from the!)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Week Five - The music thing

Free music downloads. They probably are OK for the teenage set but I have to say most of the artists and titles I had never heard of. This is not really a criticism of the sites so much as a reflection of my age!

I choose a couple of sites to look at in closely. One of them seemed easy to navigate round but when I tried to download a track all that happened was I went round in a loop and got nowhere.

The whole process would have been simpler if I had not have had to do it on the as MCC had blocked the site I was using without trouble from my MCC computer 10 days before.

All in all, this week was not a happy one.

Thought for the week - no relevance - I just like it.

'Change is a tool used by the inept to create the illusion of progress'

(Attribution unknown and I may not have it quite right as that is from memory)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Week Four - Books and social networking

I visited Goodreads. I may never come out. This is a really good site. I particularly enjoyed the lists of things, even if I violently disagreed with some of them. Who on Earth could not finish Catch 22, one of my all time favourites! It was top of the 'couldn't finish' list.
I have just ( no more than 10 minutes ago) passed on the website address to a borrower who is an ardent SciFi reader and Internet user for bookish things.
As a means of keeping track of my reading I would have to say MPL's own My Info with the reading history turned on is better, it's automatic.
All in all, a good site well worth visiting for inspiration and for recommending to Borrowers.
The inspirational thought for this week.
' Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read'
(Groucho Marx)

Monday, May 3, 2010

Week 3 - Twitter

Twitter. Well named IMHO. I don't know where Twitter began, USA I guess, I also imagine that in the States 'twit' is not another word for 'rather stupid'. I would not use this site. Not being a brash, in ya face type of person I am not convinced that the whole world is waiting breathless for my opinion on something - anything!

As more and more of these 'social networking' sites appear I am beginning to worry if anyone out there actually talks to anyone else face to face with real words.

Enough of my rant. Here is the quote for the week, from the same book as the quote last week.

"If you throw paint on a wall it's vandalism. If you put a frame around the splotch, it's art"

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Week Two - Zamzar

The amazing Zamzar! What a useful website this is, no fancy do-dahs, just easy to use and very useful.
I actually began playing with Zamzar in week one when I first saw it. I converted an image from bmp to jpeg. That worked fine so this week I did the pdf to doc thing, also fine.
The really neat thing about Zamzar happened yesterday. A customer had a Works format file which doesn't work on the but with a quick zap of Zamzar to a doc file she was able to use her file.

Quote for the week, relevant to nothing except I just read it in a book about the benefits of disorder and liked it.

"If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what then, is an empty desk?"
(Albert Einstein)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Week One

Web 2 - Week 1 - Blogging time

Here we are again.
Once again I shall start each blog with an attractive picture and end with an inspirational quote (even if I have to make it up).
What to blog about? The school holidays? Over and done with till next time. The public toilets have been 'redecorated' by the teens, so thoughtful of them.
I am doing this blog in Google Docs and am rather concerned to see the banner that says 'Google Docs is not supported in your browser'. Does this mean I won't be able to use my Google Docs anymore?

Inspirational quote for week one.
" Sometimes I aim to please but mostly I just shoot to kill "